Enter the magical world of Satanic Citrus...
Enter the magical world of Satanic Citrus...
Neil Cicireiga has been on the internet since its modern conception (or, longer than ive been alive {scary thought}). I first discovered Monsignor Cicireiga's work from a wonderful little internet show called 'Potter Puppet Pals'. Being a child in 2012, naturally I loved Harry potter and being a child et all I loved puppets (still do!). There will always be a special place in my heart for PPP. A few years after that i heard (in no order) BRODYQUEST, Two Trucks, and Daft mouth; All the while having no idea who the hell 'Lemon Demon' was. It was just one of those names everyone on the web seemed to know. Anyway, i eventually decided to hunker down and listen to a full album and ended up loving it.
Since then, ive spent a great chunk of my free-time 're-re discovering' 'old' lemon demon stuff and learning to love the beautiful machinations of web 2.0. I personally recommend giving DEPORITAZ a listen, as well as reading through Neil's old LiveJournal. A throwback for sure.